Dear Adam,
I gaze at a picture of my son’s face. I am always amazed by your perfection sitting next to your grandpa. Viewing my father with my son, forces me to think of all that’s happened in Dad’s life and wonder what will occur by the time you, my growing-up baby, Adam, are his age.
On our shelves is a book of memoirs which my mom wrote when about my age and another of her dad’s family memories. I cherish their recollections more now that they are gone. I want to add this to make more than a century of reminiscence of your, my precious, miraculous baby’s, family history.
It is for you, my dear son, Adam Jesse, that I collected these memories with a prayer that your life story will be as filled with constant joy, rare sorrow, frequent laughter, and enough tears to soften your heart. But through everything I pray your life will be loaded with love of God, friends, and family to sustain you regardless of the circumstances you encounter, just as mine have me.
I love you,