Chapter 1 - Move to Virginia
Living in Virginia (the first time) When Dad left the service we moved to Virginia, and he joined the electric company, Deco Electronics....
Colorado Springs
Into Each Life, Unexpected Events of Historical Significance Rewrite Stories
Chapter 1 - Move to Virginia
Chapter 1 - Air Force Years in State Capitals of Cheyenne and Austin
Chapter 1 - Mom
Chapter 1: In the Beginning... (1931-1955)
"The World As Best I Remember It" Intro
27 Years Ago
Joan of Arc, at your service.
In a weak moment, I have written a book...
My favorite jewelry ... EVER!
I think that I shall never see...
Dystopian thoughts...
Unspun Truths
Football - Denver Broncos Football
If I were in charge of the world...
I knew nothing of racism
On the Eve of the Anniversary...
McDonald’s Monopoly
Speed Limits